Key Personnel Overview / Experience

Tom Otto
Chief Operations Officer
Mr. Otto offers 25+ years of experience in SCADA, Controls and Electrical Engineering and Design. He serves as President for AAC, Inc. and is primarily focused on the business development of the organization. Coordination as well as development of all SCADA, Controls and Electrical projects are managed from the onset to the final completion of each project. Typical projects include SCADA system development, control system design and electrical engineering and consulting projects. Mr. Otto’s project experience has been in project management, SCADA architecture layout and system integration, control system design and electrical consulting and engineering. His responsibilities include coordination with staff on day-to-day basis to ensure overall project development, build professional relationships with clientele to develop and maintain a solid business structure, overall departmental responsibility to assure quality business practices from concept to design. Mr. Otto’s experience covers many industry applications including Natural Gas, Water/Wastewater, Utilities and Manufacturing.

Paul Hedstrom
Director of Software Applications and Engineering
Mr. Hedstrom adds 15+ years of process control and software experience to AAC, Inc. He serves as Sr. Application Engineer / Software for AAC, Inc. on the design and coordination of all SCADA and process control systems for software. These projects include SCADA system development, control system design, maintenance / support and various process control applications. His project experience is in PLC programming, SCADA architecture layout and system integration, control system design and engineering. Mr. Hedstrom’s responsibilities as Sr. Applications Engineer Software include bid review, SCADA system design, process control programming, HMI design, project commissioning and testing, and client training. He has experience in many industries including Natural Gas, Water/Wastewater, Manufacturing and Utilities.

Greg Biester
Senior Applications Engineer
Mr. Biester brings 25+ years of experience to the staff of AAC. Mr. Biester role as Senior Applications Engineer for AAC, Inc. focuses on design of SCADA / Control Systems, Electrical Design including roadway / facility lighting design and photometric studies, control system development and electrical consulting and design. Mr. Biesters responsibilities include design integration and implementation of SCADA and Control Systems in accordance with customer specifications. He is responsible for providing electrical engineering and control consulting throughout the design process. Mr. Biester has experience in many industries including Natural Gas, Water/Wastewater, Power Generation, Manufacturing and Utilities.
Tom Sharp
Panel Shop Manager
Mr. Sharp adds 7 years of direct experience as well as over 20 years of utility experience to the AAC, Inc. team. He currently serves as UL 508A Certified Panel Shop Manager, focusing his expertise and knowledge hardware design and layout. Tom’s focus is on managing the day to day workloads and schedules within the panel shop facility. With a strong knowledge and expertise with process control hardware and electrical design, he provides our clients with a solid working background. Mr. Sharp’s attention to detail and client satisfaction make him a great source of quality control panels for our clients.
Craig Lochridge
Valori Strasma
Procurement/Support Specialist
Dorothy Elezi
Accounting / Human Resource Director